Improving Customer Satisfaction through Feedback Fridays

The last few months have been busy at Llanw as we’ve worked through changes with a new repair system. We’re excited to share some great progress in how satisfied you are with our service.

Llanw was created to improve the repair experience for you, and our goal is to provide excellent service from start to finish. To keep getting better, we’ve introduced something new called “Feedback Fridays.”

After every repair, we send you a text message asking how we did. You can rate our service and add any comments you like. With Feedback Fridays, if you let us know there’s something we could improve, we will now call you on a Friday to talk about it and see how we can improve in future.

Our goal is to make sure your feedback makes a difference. When you tell us what went wrong, it helps us understand where we can do better and keep improving.

So, what have we seen so far?

Since we started using our new repairs system on June 17th, we’ve received 557 responses from customers. Out of those, only 55 said there was something that needed improvement. That’s a 90% positive response rate, showing that the changes we’ve made are really working!

For the 10% of feedback that shows we need to improve, Feedback Fridays will help us look closer at what’s going on so we can make changes in the right areas.

Here’s one example: A customer recently told us that some dust was left behind after a repair. We immediately shared this with the team responsible, making sure it doesn’t happen again. We also told the rest of our team so everyone understands the importance of keeping your home clean during repairs. We want everyone to learn from the feedback we get.

By listening to your feedback, we’re learning more about what matters to you, which will help us keep improving. We look forward to making even more improvements in the months ahead!